This is a "sticky" for Community Events--scroll down for recent posts. It is my strong belief that we must interact with and care for one another on more than just a "watch each other's STUFF" level. The more we get to know one another and connect on a more meaningful level, the SAFER we all will be. Don't believe me? Try it!
Koelle Car Classes Knowing basic upkeep on your car can help keep you safe on the road. Great for new drivers and anyone who doesn't feel comfortable checking fluid levels, tire pressure (so important!) and other car basics.
People have asked, and now I'm answering the question, "Who are you?" I'm Sandi Miller, the Castlegate Blockwatch Captain and am on the record with the PCSO as such. I am a full-time wife and a mom to three great kids. We have lived in Castlegate since March 2007.
I have always been active in service in one way or another. In high school, I was the President of SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving) and was instrumental in making our group active not just in our school but in our local community as well.
After high school I served as a Russian linguist in the U.S. Air Force. My favorite duty assignments were in Monterey, CA and Misawa Air Base, Japan. I also worked at NSA (National Security Agency), a.k.a. the "Puzzle Palace," which was interesting. It's not at all how it's portrayed in the movies ;o)
In the past, I worked with the CAP (Child Assault Prevention) program which helped kids understand and deal with various types of abuse (including "bullying," strangers, and "Uncle Harry.").
The mantra I chant in stressful situations is, "Love one another, love one another, love one another...." If we remember that we are all just human and have compassion for one another, we can handle situations with kindness and maturity and forgive one another when we inevitably make mistakes. It's so easy to be reactive rather than proactive, but I really strive for the latter.
Thanks for taking part in our blockwatch program! Keep watching out for each other!
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