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Thursday, December 11, 2008

No Quorum for December HOA Annual Meeting

Last night as I approached the small group of people gathered outside Simonton's Multi-purpose room waiting for the karate class to finish, I quickly realized there weren't enough people there to make a quorum for the HOA Annual meeting.


This happened last December, too.

This meeting is important because it involves election of new board members (or reelection of current ones), and because no new items can be brought to the board until this Annual Meeting is properly conducted.

I know this is the holiday season and we are all busy with festivities and planning and shopping and all that good stuff, and it's hard at the end of a long day to leave the comfort and warmth of our homes to get out to an HOA meeting (or a blockwatch meeting), but in order for our community to run the way WE want it to, we have to take Nike's advice and "Just Do It."

The HOA Annual Meeting will be rescheduled for January. Please make every effort to be there, and if you cannot, please MAIL IN YOUR BALLOT; mailing in your ballot will count toward a quorum.

Thanks so much!

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